Tennis Club Match Ball Bra
Tennis Club Match Ball a Bra dal 1981



Gli impianti del “Tennis Club Match Ball Bra” fanno parte del complesso sportivo di proprietà del Comune di Bra gestito dalla Polisportiva Palasport. L’area si estende su una superficie di 30.000 metri quadrati, con al centro l’edificio comprendente la sala direzione e uffici. Il Palazzetto dello Sport comprende 2 grandi strutture coperte con campi polivalenti per sport di palestra (basket, pallavolo, tennis, hockey, twirling e ginnastica artistica).

Una struttura ha tribune fisse per 800 persone, l’altra dispone di spogliatoi, campi e servizi idonei allo sport per i diversamente abili. Le due parti sono collegate da una pista di atletica rettilinea coperta di 150 metri, l’unica esistente in Piemonte; da segnalare inoltre la presenza di un campo polivalente all’aperto a disposizione dei diversamente abili e normodotati per volley, basket e calcetto.

Di assoluto rilievo risulta essere l’offerta destinata agli amanti del tennis con 10 campi: 4 al coperto permanenti (2 in moquette e 2 in Greenset), 4 all’aperto in terra rossa e 2 in Greenset, la superficie sintetica dei maggiori tornei ATP.

Il complesso sportivo è frequentato da oltre 2.200 atleti. Oltre 40 classi delle scuole medie superiori destinano le ore di educazione fisica all’apprendimento del tennis.

Match ball tennis club

The Match Ball Tennis Facility is part of the Polisportiva Palasport complex and is owned by the city of Bra. The complex covers 30,000 square meters around a central building which houses the management offices. The "Palazzetto dello Sport" is located at Viale Risorgimento number 31/A, and is comprised of two covered structures designed for multisport use: basketball, volleyball, tennis, hockey, twirling and gymnastics. One structure has permanent stadium seating for up to 800 persons, while the other offers changing rooms and courts designed for special needs participants, with a first aid station and coaching facilities. The two buildings are connected by a covered running track which is unique to the Piemonte region. Also notable: the athlete's prep room and an open-air multi-use court adaptable for special needs, which can also be used for volleyball, basketball and soccer. The result is an enviable destination for tennis lovers, with four covered courts (two tile and two Greenset, a playing surface that many players love), an additional four covered red clay courts, two of which have forums, and two open-air synthetic-surface courts. A large percentage of the 2200 athletes who use the facility are of school age. This isn't surprising, given that over 40 area junior and high school classes include tennis in their physical eduction curriculum. If any other quality assurance is needed, it will no doubt be satisfied by the fact that Match Ball Bra was selected to host the Italian Series A Championships, which were played on two Greenset courts on December 5 - 8, 2008 and broadcast nationwide.

GreenSet | The best surface for the best tennis
Solinco - Corde e accessori per il tennis - Online store
Giuggia Costruzioni
Omler 2000
Selmi Chocolate Machinery
Il muro del tennis
Studio Grafico Daniele Cigna

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